The Positive Diary



One of the things I look forward in a day is my morning cup of tea with Wheat Toast or Khari. Even if some loved one points out to have sugar-free tea or tea with jaggery, I don’t pay a heed. Morning cup of tea with sugar is heavenly for me!

One fine day I realised that I was having too much of khari. I decided from that day to have Khari only on Sundays. For a minute I felt sad about that self-imposed restriction. I wished I hadn’t made such a decision. But such choices are not to be retracted (sigh).

Then what happened you ask! Well, I started looking forward to every Sunday more than ever before! 😉

I just stumbled upon the fact that actually cravings are such a good thing to have! Isn’t it great to have cravings for –

  • running a marathon
  • decide against eating/ drinking something for a month, which you really love
  • not raising your voice on children, irrespective of the situation
  • having highest sale for the month
  • performing on stage, which you have never done
  • learning a new form of exercise
  • meet a long-lost friend
  • resuming your career after kids have grown up to become independent
  • creating harmony in strained relationships
  • having a vacation with your family and siblings
  • and many more such things

Invariably cravings is not attached to something positive. We have been time and again told not to crave for things. In the scheme of the above points, do you still think that cravings is not good?

I am already CRAVING for – an international vacation; expand work in more cities in India; start pitching for international projects; running a 42K marathon; cooking something every week; being more creative in whatever I do; invest more time with kids; have dinner dates with Arpita more often; have small vacations through the year; start video blogging; and much more!

Is there anything you are CRAVING FOR?

#Khari #Tea #Craving


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I am in LOVE ... Love with PEOPLE Love with NATURE Love with TRAVELLING Love with WRITING Love with INNER SELF Love with PEACE Love with CALMNESS Love with LIFE!

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