The Positive Diary

Conquer that INERTIA !



The Law of inertia, also called Newton’s first law, states that if a body is at rest or moving at a constant speed in a straight line, it will remain at rest or keep moving in a straight line at a constant speed unless it is acted upon by a force.


Well, let’s put it in simple words, with the most common example used in our science textbooks. (Yup I remember that !)

When the bus stops suddenly, people fall forward. So what happens is when the driver of the bus brakes suddenly, the lower part of the body comes to rest as the bus comes to rest but the upper part of the body continues to move forward due to the inertia of motion. As a result, a forward force is exerted on the body and we fall in the forward direction.


Similarly, If you jump from a bus that is moving, your body is still moving in the direction of the vehicle. Thus you tend to take a few steps before coming to a full halt. 


Na Nah!

This is not a science textbook blog!


But hey can you think of the inertia of our daily actions? Think of the days we are sluggish and lazy, we just tend to remain in that state and feel more bored and lazy. We really need to get our asses off and get going. And the days we are busy, feeling like on a roller coaster, we need to apply force to slow down and stop to catch our breath.  Thus in both situations, we need to make an effort my dear!


Moreover, when we are caught in negative thoughts, stressed, overthinking, depressed, or overwhelmed we have been told to stop that pattern and to think positively. But in a flow of thoughts (inertia of thoughts) it is not easy to just stop and change direction. Remember the law of inertia that keeps us going!


Thus, any goal we want to achieve must first overcome inertia to start moving in the desired direction. We need to force ourselves. Also is the need to slow down, then stop, then turn. The good news is that once it is initiated, the law of inertia will keep it moving.


Now let’s understand the force. The force is the inner willingness, the inner motivation that yes I want to get out of this current pattern. But before that, an important step is to accept the present situation, acknowledge the feelings and assure yourself that change is desirable and very much possible.

If that seems tough we can take external force or help from inspirational stories, and people, appoint mentors, or if needed take help from therapists.


Breathe, pause, plan the redirection and move ahead.

Take breaks to connect and reconnect, correct and recorrect.

Doesn’t matter how many retakes you have, just trust the flow and keep faith in yourself. 


Here are a few methods that can help you break out and conquer the inertia :


  1. Surprise Yourself: We tend to freeze in our present state and thus resist change. Shock yourself by taking the first step. Overcome resistance by asking yourself (rather nagging yourself) questions as to what will be the consequences of not beginning at all and giving into inertia. For example, if you want to lose weight, ask yourself what will be the effect of not starting TODAY. More weight, overweight, medical complications, not fitting into the lovely clothes……. In case you need an external force, take some medical tests that may show some borderline symptoms or alarms. Now surprise yourself by starting TODAY, NOW! At the earliest! start jogging suddenly one morning or enroll in a fitness/yoga class. Similarly, visit a finance consultant and surprise yourself by taking the needful steps for your business. SURPRISE YOURSELF WITH A PLEASANT START.
  2. Movement: CREATE momentum with short quick wins in the initial days. ENERGISE the change by making small moves that show fast victories. For example, if your target is a marathon, start with 1km runs. Energize this move by feeling or celebrating the victory of the first 1km run.
  3. Set Rewards: As humans we love rewards. Like the donkey pulling the cart following the dangling carrot, the pursuit of pleasure drives us. At the same time, the farmer whips the donkey from time to time. In case you start losing your grip, make sure you have the stick to whip yourself or give it to someone whom you trust. In the above example of the target being a marathon, set rewards at different checkpoints like 2k, 5k, and 10k runs. Ask a friend to check in every few days about your progress. Someone who can motivate your momentum.
  4. Check Startpoint: Well this is an important one which many may miss out on. Like we fuel the vehicle before the journey, check your fuel. In case of a fitness goal, check your current stamina, health, and diet. Make needed amendments. Set small steps to slowly FUEL UP YOUR TANK. For example to start with the gym, start as small as getting your shoes, and clothes ready near your bedside the previous night. Set your alarm. Ask a friend to join in. Make small doable changes in diet and water intake.


Remember many fail because they did not start at all.

The first step may seem hardest but go for it. 

Once you start let inertia make you go on. 

Flash that wonderful smile and keep going




I am willing to change and grow.

I trust life and I am safe.

I allow all odds to work in my favor now.

I release all that doesn’t serve me anymore.

I release all resistance.

I am grateful for every little blessing in my life.



Written By

Meenal Ranka

Meenal Ranka

"I am a pure soul" Passionate about YOGA and MEDITATION. I am a 'law of attraction' practitioner. I aspire to inspire through a conscious happy living. I am learning everyday and want to share my learnings in the simplest way! LINK -

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