The Positive Diary

Are you ‘GOOGLE’ - living?


During the sixth month of pregnancy, Arpita was feeling giddy and itchy. She wasn’t at ease. People at home asked her to rest in the room and take care of herself. As she sat on the bed, she took out her phone and opened GOOGLE. She put the search – reasons for feeling giddy during pregnancy. And in-split seconds, Google gave out about a million answers

As I reached home, Arpita looked a little concerned. On prodding she mentioned that Google results alarmed her, and that we immediately needed to see the doctor next morning and get her checkup done.

We went to our gynecologist next morning. She listened to Arpita, who was still little worried. Doctor smiled and asked her to relax, She confirmed that everything was normal. She said, “Why don’t you ask Google to do delivery for you too!” In an instant we realized our mistake. The doctor continued, “You should stop checking for illnesses and medicines on Google. We doctors are here for you. Each person and case is different. Google can’t give you accurate diagnosis of your issue. Invariably it shows the most extreme diseases. It never says – you will be okay soon. Don’t worry!”

When I look around, in today’s world Google (or any other search engine/ social media) seems to be the guiding force for almost all aspects of our life. We seem to trust technology more than people and the lessons we have learnt as we have grown (our life experiences)

  • The world seems to be Google-Parenting. For any issue, we quickly Google up on the resolution. There are parents, grandparents, elders and colleagues who can advise. Why not ask them?
  • For business ideas, we seem to rely on ChatGPT. It seems AI will give us information on how we should earn money. Instead why not look around and talk to people whom we appreciate as entrepreneurs?
  • To reach a certain place, instantly we put on Google Maps. We know the address and the way to reach there. Yet, we love the voice in the background that guides us, isn’t it? Infact I loved the travel when Google Maps was not there. It used to add so much interaction while seeking directions to the final destination.
  • Internet seems to be the best doctor in the whole world! It seems to have remedies for all ailments! Personally, I would trust the doctors. If there is something not okay, it is better to visit a doctor than go by the search results
  • Look around while we travel. Everyone has their heads drowned into their mobile phones. It seems if we are not looking into the phone, we are abnormal. My best travels have been when I have got into conversations with my co-traveler!
  • Can we sit relaxed at home, doing nothing? Or do we constantly need mobile phone/ laptop/ or TV to be on? We have forgotten what it is to just be – doing nothing, just watching the rains, closing our eyes and observing our thoughts; get awestruck at how birds fly; and so much more!

I am not against technology. Infact I love being updated and using technology. But my issue is when technology takes over the humane part in each one of us. In today’s world technology seems to be fast replacing people. We can be away from our loved ones, but cannot stay away from our mobile phones even for a single minute.

I have another issue with technology – It is deteriorating human capacity, creativity and alertness. It is indeed an alarming situation. If we as humans don’t decide that this needs to be balanced out, very soon humans will not be needed in most of the places!

I do a few things to try and balance it out –

  • Once I am home, I avoid business calls. I ask them to message or I call back next day
  • When it comes to doing something creative, I prefer my mind to explore than searching online for ideas
  • Unless I am confused or don’t know the location, I don’t switch on my Google Maps
  • I never trust social media on parenting. I keep my eyes and ears open about parenting tips and ideas. Or I ask parents around whom I think do good parenting

Though it is a very personal choice as to how you want to use Google/ social media/ internet. But I would urge you to think in this other direction too! Can we use technology only where it is needed, rather than using in every possible place?

I think humans need to still be relevant on Planet Earth! Unless we pledge together, the future indeed looks daunting.

#Parenting #Google #Technology #Travel #Creativity #Social Media #Human #BE


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I am in LOVE ... Love with PEOPLE Love with NATURE Love with TRAVELLING Love with WRITING Love with INNER SELF Love with PEACE Love with CALMNESS Love with LIFE!

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