The Positive Diary

A Moment Can Start a Movement

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, the founder of the Maratha Empire, was a visionary leader whose actions sparked a revolution against the Mughal rule in India. In the mid-17th century, Shivaji, with limited resources but boundless courage, decided to take a stand against the mighty Mughal Empire. His capture of the Torna Fort in 1646 marked the beginning of his campaign to establish an independent Maratha kingdom.

Shivaji’s audacious act was not just about seizing a fort; it was a bold statement of defiance against the oppressive rule of the Mughals. It was a moment that galvanized his followers, instilling in them a sense of purpose and pride. The capture of Torna Fort ignited a movement, leading to a series of victories that expanded the Maratha Empire and challenged Mughal supremacy in the region.

Shivaji’s legacy extends beyond his military conquests. He established a robust administrative system, promoted the welfare of his people, and upheld a code of ethics that emphasized respect for women and religious tolerance. His vision for a just and prosperous society became the foundation of the Maratha Empire, inspiring countless others to join his cause.

Fast forward to modern times, and we find similar stories of small beginnings leading to monumental changes. Take, for example, the story of Infosys, one of India’s premier IT companies. In 1981, a small group of entrepreneurs led by Narayana Murthy decided to start a software services company with just $250 in hand. Their vision was simple yet ambitious: to leverage India’s vast pool of engineering talent to provide high-quality software services to the world.

Infosys began its journey in a tiny one-room office in Pune. The founders faced numerous challenges, from limited capital to bureaucratic hurdles. However, their perseverance and belief in their vision propelled them forward. Over the years, Infosys grew exponentially, not just in terms of revenue and workforce but also in influence. It became a pioneer in the IT outsourcing industry, placing India on the global technology map.

What makes the story of Infosys truly inspiring is how it contributed to nation-building. By creating thousands of jobs, fostering innovation, and adhering to strong ethical values, Infosys set a benchmark for corporate India. It showed how a single idea, nurtured with passion and integrity, could lead to a movement that transforms an entire industry and impacts millions of lives.

Equally inspiring is the story of Mrs. Sudha Murthy, who, alongside her husband Narayana Murthy, has played a pivotal role in Infosys’ success. Beyond her contributions to the company, Mrs. Murthy has made a significant impact through her philanthropic work. As the chairperson of the Infosys Foundation, she has spearheaded numerous social initiatives, focusing on education, healthcare, rural development, and the arts. Her work has uplifted countless lives, providing scholarships to underprivileged students, building libraries and hospitals, and supporting various grassroots projects. Her unwavering dedication to social causes exemplifies how one individual’s commitment can catalyze widespread positive change.

These stories from India’s past and present resonate with a powerful message: a moment, no matter how small, can start a movement that leads to monumental change. Whether it’s the capture of a fort that sparks a rebellion, a business idea born in a modest office, or philanthropic work that transforms communities, the potential for impact lies in the conviction and actions of those who dare to dream and act upon it.

Reflecting on these tales, I often find myself inspired to seek out those moments in my own life. Whether it’s advocating for a cause I believe in or pursuing a passion project, I remind myself that every significant change begins with a single step. The key is to recognize the potential of that moment and to move forward with unwavering belief and determination.

As I pen down these thoughts, I am reminded of a quote by Eleanor Roosevelt: “Poor minds talk about people. Average minds talk about events. Great minds talk about ideas.” It’s a call to action, urging each one of us to find our moment and start our movement. For in doing so, we not only transform our own lives but also contribute to the greater good, leaving an indelible mark on the world around us.


Written By



A seeker, optimist & a loyal friend.

One Response

  1. Thanks for sharing this wonderful thought!
    That desire to find that moment can be a DEFINING MOMENT in our lives!

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