The Positive Diary

A Good Deed Delights

Guest Author:Sneha Khanwelkar


The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the greatest intention. – Khalil Gibran

Doing good deeds are usually small acts that happen during the flow of my day. Typically, I forget about it. Yet, one good deed holds a special place in my heart. One day, my maid Salima and I discussed films and film stars.

Salima: Salman Khan is my favorite actor. He is so handsome! He acts so well.

Me: I don’t like him at all.  Which was the last movie that you saw of Salman Khan?

Salima: (nodding her head ruefully) Judwaa. I haven’t seen a movie in a theatre for 14 years. Earlier, we watched movies before marriage. We used to go on a bicycle.

Me – (surprised) Arre, you like movies, yet you have not watched a movie in a theatre for so long?

Salima – After marriage, I delivered four children, and my husband became an alcoholic. Sometimes, he disappeared from the house for weeks together. So, I took up a job as a maidservant and am busy running the household. I send my children to school and want to educate them well.

Me – (still stunned) – So you haven’t seen new theatres?

Salima – (nodding her head) – No. I heard about the new multiplex City Pride-Kharadi. Have you been there?

Me – Yes. I explained to her how a multiplex looks and feels.

Watching movies in theatres has been a major source of entertainment for me. I could not fully register what Salima said. I don’t like Salman Khan yet, for Salima’s sake I spontaneously declared watching his film – Bodyguard.

Me – Okay, you like Salman Khan, his latest movie Bodyguard is playing in City Pride Kharadi, I will take you to watch the film.

Salima – (in disbelief) – Really? Will you?

Me – Yes, of course, you tell me when you are free on a Saturday, I will check the show timings. We can go together in my car.

Salima was overjoyed and quickly ran through her Saturday jobs, and told me when she was free. We finalized a 5 P.M. show. Salima stayed close by and we decided to meet on the main road towards the theatre. On Saturday, Salima thin and petite, looked lovely in a beautiful blue salwar khameez with silver work, hair well combed, a powdered face, and lipstick. She smiled as she approached my car. I saw a man standing by smiling at her then me.

Salima (sitting inside the car and settling) That man is my husband. He has come to see with whom I’m going. He can’t believe that you are taking me to a movie, and that too driving me in your car.

She looked at her husband disdainfully, as if saying, see my madam is taking me and we drove off.

We went to the theatre and she keenly observed me while I bought the tickets. We had to go through a scanner to enter the theatre.  Salima hesitated, she said, “You go first, I will copy you.” She entered safely. I showed her the theatre, the snack counter, and the games center. She admired the grand place watching everything with interest in a composed manner. When it was time, they allowed us into the theatre. She was thrilled watching her favorite hero on the big screen with the Dolby sound effect, sitting on fantastic chairs, and having popcorn during the interval.

Her joy knew no bounds and she took time to absorb the experience. She expressed her gratitude as I dropped her home. To this date, I recall her happiness and that makes me smile. 🙂


Written By

Sneha Khanwelkar

Sneha Khanwelkar

Living life sprinkled with laughter and a child-like spontaneity. I'm enamored with the beauty of life and it creates a positive aura/vibe around me.

27 Responses

  1. A small act of kindness is a treasured joy . I’m sure Salima too must be cherishing this memory on a tough day.

    1. Oh yeah! I’m sure she does. We never spoke about it but it definitely strengthened our relation. 😃

  2. Nice one. You proved that a small kind act is sufficient to make someone, and in-turn yourself happy. Mrs. Salima’s belief in good deeds must have definitely become stronger.

    Badly in need of a happiness pandemic!

  3. Wonderful experience and well written Sneha. It was absolutely easy and fun to read.
    About what you did, amazing of you. Shows how compassionate you are.
    No wonder you are my friend. Just kidding! 😃 A lot to learn from you. 🙏

  4. That was such a nice act of kindness. I am sure Salina will always remember this. I love the way you write.

  5. That was really great and I am sure Salima will always remember this happily. I love the way you write

  6. The whole joyful experience of Salima from your perspective is beautifully penned. A real breezy read ….

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