The Positive Diary



My dad was reported to have three blockages, which were 95%, 90% and 99%. While most doctors recommended putting a stent, my dad was very clear that he did not want any artificial element inside the body, how much ever easy it was.

On his own he researched and found out about alternative non-invasive treatments. One of the places he found out was – Poona Preventive Cardiology Center. We took an appointment and were directed to meet Dr. Jyotsana Patil. We had an extremely interesting conversation with her.

She explained us in detail about how the heart functions, what is blockage, which arteries and veins are important, and so on. But one of her questions, created a stutter in my mind. She asked us, “When cardiology wasn’t so advanced, do you think every person on earth died due to heart attack?” It brought a smile on both dad’s and my face. She further continued, “It is very interesting to know that the way our heart it built, it has the capacity to create artificial veins/ arteries. What cardiologists do as bypass, is what heart can do itself. You need to be patient and allow it to do it!”

That was the moment, where my dad decided that – come what may I will go through this treatment that Dr. Patil is recommending. After about three months of treatment at this center, not only was he fighting fit, but his blockages had actually reversed. Those same blockages were totally cleared now! I had written a BLOG – “How my dad reversed HEART BLOCKAGES” to explain more details!

Our body is completely magical. It has immense capacity to heal itself. It demands only two things – to be patient with its self-healing; and not to abuse it! If these two things are taken care by us, then it does not need any doctor or medicines (unless it is something absolutely serious)

Unfortunately, the trend these days is to visit a doctor/ take a medicine even if we get little fever, cough, cold, pain or weakness. We just do not allow the body to heal itself. Most of us feel that something major should not happen, and hence the precaution. Little do we realise that the more and more medicines we take, the weaker our immune system and self-healing capacity.

In our children’s school handbook of about 50 pages, there is a small section which talks about illness of a child. It mentions that if you give medicines to a child when they have fever or cold, instead of healing it, you are actually suppressing it, and not healing it. Allow the child to go through it for 2-3 days. The child will anyways get healed naturally.

I am not against doctors or medicines. I only wish to point out that we must give our body a chance to heal itself. It is okay to go through a little discomfort. If it is something which is unbearable or life threatening, we should definitely go to the specialists. But not for smallest of illnesses.

Do not take your body for granted. Take care of it, for it will then take care of YOU! Don’t abuse it! Allow the magic of self-healing to work on you!

#magic #body #heart #self-Healing


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I am in LOVE ... Love with PEOPLE Love with NATURE Love with TRAVELLING Love with WRITING Love with INNER SELF Love with PEACE Love with CALMNESS Love with LIFE!

6 Responses

  1. This is so true Amit. Very beautifully articulated. Since I am an NLP Practitioner myself, I can totally resonate with it and have seen body do its magic to heal itself in various ways. Also to add any discomfort or disease is the body’s mechanism of giving you feedback that something is wrong and not in alignment with nature.
    Once we understand that and allow time it heals itself

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