The Positive Diary

YAY…! Trek Triumph

My friend Sharmistha said, “We know your challenges during your first trek. Tell us when you succeeded.” Always the last to complete a trek, I recall the first instance when I was promoted from last to second-last trekker. 😊 Circling back to my first blog – My First Trek – Haddina Kallu for those who missed it.

After my first trek, every month I went on a trek with different groups or with trek mates. It took me a year and about 10 treks both big and small, to achieve success. My most successful trek was at Muthurayana Betta, with Ravi – owner of The Wild Treks – Explore Nature.

In Oct 2021, I went with Ravi and his group to Muthurayana Betta. We assembled at The Odyssey Retreat and hopped into a couple of huge autorickshaws that transported 20 of us to the base of the mountain. After the preliminary introductions, we started our trek. The forest department has made it mandatory to hire a guide; we had a young boy as our guide. It was an enormous mountain with a variety of gradients. I took lots of breaks but kept up with the group. At one point, there was a huge boulder yet, the children ran up the slippery rock. Ravi, Raghu, and Sridhar aligned themselves along the sides of the boulder and guided us verbally on how to climb the rock. What a laugh we had when we reached the other side.

At another point, there was a huge difference between the two levels of the mountain. The guide and Sridhar were with me. The guide climbed the boulder like a true trekker, using one small protruding rock as a step. But I realized that I could not bounce my feet. When I kept one foot on the top, the other leg didn’t support it to bounce. I was embarrassed. Sridhar patiently encouraged me and offered alternatives. Finally, he made me place a leg on his thigh and use it as a step to climb the boulder; the guide pulled me up, and I rolled over. Relieved, I lay still for a few minutes. They were concerned whether I was okay and waited till I got back on my feet. That was a crucial point; the rest of the climb was manageable. I was the last to reach the top, with Raghu overseeing me.

I reached the top huffing and puffing, and saw everyone sitting in a shed. I sat on the floor and calmed down with water, chikki, and jeera soda. When I was ready, Ravi declared it was time to walk down and tempted us with lunch on reaching the resort. I gazed at the breathtaking panorama below. We clicked a few pictures and moved on.

The downward journey was better. The guide helped us navigate the path. People were ahead and behind me, and I could safely walk down alone without anyone’s help. At times when I’d find huge gaps, I’d sit down and slide my way through. Ramaa was ahead of me, I called out to her and we ended the journey together. At the end, we had to cross a small stream to enter the resort from behind. Walking to the resort was the longest stretch because I was exhausted. One couple was behind me and I was glad to complete the trek before them. Everyone graciously cheered me for that. 😊

We had a sumptuous lunch and returned home happily. The grueling trail, steep inclines, and every step had led to this – the exhilarating rush of accomplishment. 😊

Muthurayana Betta-we climbed that...!!
Muthurayana Betta-we climbed that…!!


Written By

Sneha Khanwelkar

Sneha Khanwelkar

Living life sprinkled with laughter and a child-like spontaneity. I'm enamored with the beauty of life and it creates a positive aura/vibe around me.

16 Responses

  1. Treks are something which even I think of conquering but still lack the push that is required for the first trek. Awesome to see you doing it and that too multiple times is inspiring. Coming 1st or last on a trek is a just a matter of number best part is you have done it…keep going dear

  2. Inspiring! Cheers to your spirit, dedication and perseverance.
    How to better yourself by overcoming small challenges at a time, is worth learning.
    In addition, having a patient and guiding guru is always rewarding.

    1. Thanks Parth. Glad you get learnings too…..😎
      Yes, Ravi is a great leader. He has a second line of leaders to oversee people like me.

  3. So inspiring to read all this Miss! Can totally relate to your experience…but so happy to see the ‘ never give up spirit’s that reflects through your experience..that boulder step must be a true deal!
    Keep it up and keep inspiring us!

    1. Oh yeah! The boulder thing was a bummer. I thought I’d have to restart the trek from the base.
      Happy that you are inspired. Thanks for the encouraging words. 😍

  4. Amazing ! I think you are a trekker at heart. If my memory serves right, I remember the ease with which you had climbed Raigad in the ‘99 school trip just joking and chitchatting all the way through as I stopped for breath/water/life a 100 times.

  5. Trekking is truly an amazing experience where you can test yourself. Had done multiple treks in my younger days and also few years back. Haven’t done it recently

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