The Positive Diary


Consistency…. required?

Consistency … required?

On a weekday, as the Minute hand on the Wall Clock touches 12, it’s 10:00 am, a man appears in front of the Gate of the Restaurant.

This person, height about 5’6”, weight around 50 kg, on an old fashioned bicycle, gets down from the Cycle, rests it on its Side-Stand. He puts his hand inside the pocket of his trouser and fetches out a tobacco packet. Opens the packet, pours out some tobacco on the palm of his left hand and puts the packet again inside the pocket of his trouser. A pinch of ‘Chuna’ (paste of slacked lime), is then mixed with the tobacco followed by the daily ritual of rubbing it vigorously by the finger of the right hand. After a while the mix is inserted in the mouth, placing it between the front teeth and chin. Both hands are then clapped together to ensure the tobacco in the palm is cleaned. He then removes the Side-Stand of the Cycle, sits on the Seat and paddles away.

Why am I describing such an ordinary incidence from a layman in such details?

This is being done by the ‘Common Man’  religiously, since more than 25 years! At the stroke of 10:00, this man appears, the ritual is done, and he disappears.

They say, one should be consistent to achieve positive results in life.

Since last 25 years, this man is owning the same bicycle, the clothes as ordinary as it gets, his own weight has not increased by even a kilo.

By being consistent, what has he achieved in life?

Apparently nothing!

But…. I don’t know his actual story. How can I judge somebody without knowing the facts. Maybe, his consistency has led him to look after his family and complete all his responsibilities. Maybe, he has helped his children to move ahead in life. Maybe the work he does for a living has helped his boss go ahead in life.

We never know.

What we know is, this man, consistently is doing the same activity at the same time with the same intensity for more than 25 years without being concerned about the world.

I leave this for you to ponder. The perfect example of consistency… but as a person, is he really perfect?

Rajesh Shetty.



Written By

Rajesh Shetty

Rajesh Shetty

Likes to pen down different experiences life throws at us and evolve the learnings from them. A Restaurateur by Profession, having Cycling as hobby, works for Organ Donation awareness through an NGO, ReBirth Foundation.

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