The Positive Diary

Do Right Things Happen?


I have made a routine to watch my favorite cartoon Tom and Jerry before going to sleep, after having a frustrating day at work. And few days back was one of such active day. But this time instead of Tom and Jerry, YouTube recommended me an Akbar-Birbal story and I thought to watch it as a change. And the moral of that story was :-

‘Whatever happened, happened for the good. Whatever is happening, is happening for the good. Whatever will happen, will also happen for the good’.

This is one of the famous lines every one must have heard either through movies, scriptures or sometimes from elders or their teachings. And this line made me interrogate, if whatever happens is for good then whatever happening must be RIGHT and whatever that’s going to happen is also RIGHT. And there arose a dilemma, do right things happen naturally? Does whatever happen; happens RIGHT? So whatever people call it as Destiny or Fate (which occurs naturally) is right or is meant to be right?

While these thought were going on in my mind, I checked my cell phone and there were few feedback on my previous article on the ideology of Fasting. And along with that there was a message from Amit Kothari on his new article about RIGHT Diet. This article with the word RIGHT all together created a different sets of scenario alongside what was already going on in my mind about right things happening naturally.

And these two thoughts started creating a rift. Does whatever happen is Right or for Good? If whatever happen is Right then how does Karma matters? Or we have to keep doing Karma without worrying about right or wrong happening, as stated in Gita? Whatever happens either by you or naturally is going to be right or wrong? Problems do happen in life. Then how can they be right. The thesis and the anti-thesis had a fight in my mind. And finally there was a synthesis of these two thoughts with a conclusion that :-

‘Right things don’t happen, You have to make them happen’.

Let us try to understand. Problems happen, challenges happen, struggles happen, issues happen, misunderstandings happens, health crises happens, financial crunches happen, markets go down and that happens ,all of that happens. But Happiness doesn’t happen, you have to make it happen. Because right things don’t happen, you have to make the right thing happen.

Lets elaborate with some example:

Fitness is the right thing for all of us. All of us want to remain fit physically as well as mentally, right? That never happens naturally. You have to make it happen. You have to make an effort to remain fit.  Now many people have many different definition of fitness. And with several definitions come various different methods of being and remaining fit. Some go to gym, some choose diet planning. Some elderly choose yoga or explore meditation some youngsters choose sports. Every one wish to lose weight, but you can’t lose weight just by sitting. Whatever the method you opt, you need to make it happen.

Everyone will believe that anger is not the right thing. But many incidents or cases in life will make you angry. Now what happens when you are angry? There are many spontaneous reaction that one can give which can be harmful and injurious to oneself and to society as well.

I remember one case when one of my friend once asked his wife as how she will react when she is super angry on her husband. His wife replied, “She will clean her bathroom and commode with husband’s toothbrush.” Hence being angry is not right. Gita mentions that, “Anger is the cause of losing out on mind and ultimate Destruction”.

But not reacting when you are angry, shutting up the bloody mouth and showing patience, doesn’t happen. You have to make it happen.

If we are angry, we all react in our own ways. She reacted with his tooth brush and he will vent out his anger in his own way. But not reacting and being patient; this doesn’t happen. You have to make it happen.

One of the most difficult task in humanity I believe is to say sorry for committing mistakes and forgiving others for their mistakes. But aren’t Saying Sorry or Forgiving Other for mistakes the right thing?

Saying a sorry when you hurt someone or forgiving someone who hurts you doesn’t happen, you have to make it happen. Human by nature always prefer to go rebellious instantly. It takes an extra effort for everyone to either say sorry or to forgive someone. All of you might have experienced it. Isn’t it?

Hence Right things Don’t happen, You have to make them happen. These right things will differ. There methods will differ. There actions will differ too. But whatever is the action, solution or method you opt for doing that right thing, you will need to make it happen.

There is this famous Quote by Ratan Tata “I don’t believe in taking right decisions. I take decisions and then make them right.” So this too certify somewhere that right things don’t happen automatically. You make them happen by performing right actions in right situation. What’s your say? Awating reply and comments.

Akshay Kothari… Silence Spoken


Written By

Akshay Kothari

Akshay Kothari

A Sailor by heart always who likes to sail his ships without any compass and still wants to find the direction of the light house in an infinite ocean of knowledge. Myname is Akshay Kothari, and I am simply speaking my mind without minding what I speak. I am neither especially clever nor especially gifted. I am only curious.

3 Responses

  1. Amazingly put. I appreciate the way you actually convince your readers. If not anyone else but certainly me, at the least.

    After reading this, I went back to my life to analyze what you mentioned is true or not. And to my surprise, it is true. Whenever I felt happy, I made an attempt to gain happiness out of incidents, situations etc.

    Your writings do make a lot of sense to me Akshay. So please continue writing ✍️ & all the best.

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