The Positive Diary

Why to What


“Why ? Why ? Why did you do this ?”

My anger was at its peak . I was so stupefied. How could that child break my new set of cup saucers? How careless! And why were his parents not paying attention ?


Oh lord ! 


I still remember that incident from years ago. How i kept asking “why” ? 


Whenever someone makes a mistake, especially children, the first thing or first word that we utter is “Why” . Isn’t it ?


Well over years of maturing and developing much better understanding , I now realise how important it is to move the “Why” to “What” at times. 


Yes !


For a moment just ask yourself the same “Why” questions if you would have done something not acceptable . It’s difficult to answer why you did the act after it is done.

“Why” questions put us in the spot , making us feel guilty . Also it puts our mind into an auto defensive state. 

Do you remember the last time someone asked you “Why ?” 

How did you feel? Good ? Comfortable? Answer is NO for me. 


Let’s move to the “What” .

When you ask ” What made you do that ” or  ” What were you thinking / feeling when you did that ” makes you go over the incident, introspect within to get the intention out. This leads to better awareness of the self and understanding. 


What ” questions make you think about the actions ,situations and feelings that led to the issue. Thus find a way to correct the whole scene. 


Why questions hold us in the past whereas What questions lead to investigation and learning. Thus creating a better future.


I guess we need not get stuck in the “Why”. Instead we need to move to “What now “.


Lets see some more real life examples …

  1. Say you have applied for a job/ an opportunity/ position . Incase you do not hear back, you’d question Why . And you may answer,  Maybe I did not present myself well. Or This dress/day is so unlucky. Or This job just was not meant for me . Now instead try asking yourself, What now . What skills do I need to improvise? What will make me feel better today? Maybe learn some new skills. Look up best interview examples online. Or Just go for a coffee date with a friend.
  2. Say your maid/worker did not turn up and you have guests coming over. I guess it’s best to keep all the Why questions for a later time and focus on What now. Could you find a replacement or order stuff from outside or postpone the event. What is important is to shift the energy to something constructive . Why questions can go on and on. What questions lead to high value answers.
  3. I don’t like my job, said a friend over a casual phone call. So instead of listening to her cranky answers to Why, I just asked her What do u like doing . To this her response just shifted her cranky mood to excitement as she answered , I love writing, travelling, exploring. Bingo ! She found her way ! This led her talking to her bosses and moving to the sales and marketing department that gave her opportunities for exploration.
  4. Similarly when my son exclaimed,  I feel terrible today, I asked him What makes you feel like that . He said, maybe the last session in school was too boring. Actually, maybe I am too sleepy . Actually mom, my friends didn’t come to class so i missed . So it all vents out . A quick nap and he is good!


Step by step lets all move to more self improvements.


So next time your phone just crashes or you are stuck in traffic , instead of “Why is this happening to me ? ” move to “What can i ….”.

Happy problem solving . 



Written By

Meenal Ranka

Meenal Ranka

"I am a pure soul" Passionate about YOGA and MEDITATION. I am a 'law of attraction' practitioner. I aspire to inspire through a conscious happy living. I am learning everyday and want to share my learnings in the simplest way! LINK -

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