The Positive Diary

God, Men, Women, Dogs and Cats


In that sense, the nature of men are like dogs, and women are similar to cats.

Men like dogs are easily manipulated and managed by those to whom they give their trust and love.

A man’s needs are basic and pretty straightforward. He needs space, to be left alone to do his ‘thing’, whatever his ‘thing’ may be.

A man loves it when he is given space to pursue his hobbies, passions etc. well fed and preferably gets sex on a regular basis. Under such circumstances a man will think of the woman as a Goddess.

Most men find women too complex, unsuccessfully spending a lifetime trying to understand women.

Like a cat, a woman is difficult to understand and impossible to discipline. A woman just like a cat has a mind of her own, doing pretty much what she wants when she wants.

Women appear to behave irrationally and independently, but actually women are programmed biologically with one main rational motive, to ensure their own survival and that of their offspring.

A woman expects to be wooed, fussed over, loved, not only cared for but also protected, pampered etc. Never satisfied with her man’s capabilities, achievements, looks, behaviour etc. a woman expects her man to keep on improving.

A woman almost always complains, how she has the most difficult job in the world, is discriminated against, how life, society and her family are all unfair to her. Inspite of the moaning she feels she is God.

I practice what Oscar Wilde once remarked,

“A woman is not to be understood, she only has to be loved.”

So you men stop trying to understand your woman and go out there and simply love her.

#cats #dogs #God #happy #live #men #understanding #women


Written By

Gurvinder Singh

Gurvinder Singh

Experience is not what happens to us, but what we learn and do with what has happens to us. Experiences are gifts of existence. If we reflect and contemplate on our experiences and learning there is a good possibility for us to awaken and progress materially, intellectually and spiritually.

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