The Positive Diary

Doors !






When you hear this, what do you visualise? A fancy door, mansion door, your dream house door or room door ? A door to your school room, a door that opens to a beautiful garden or a door to some mythological place? 


Did you just try to open one of them ? 


Is it difficult? And suddenly you notice the hinges are hard or stiff. It’s hard to push it or pull it . It’s kinda stiff , heavy and seems big ….. 


Then you remember oiling. A few drops of oil are dropped over the hinges. You watch closely as the oil gently eases the door little by little with easy moves first. It loosens up till it opens easily with gentle effort. 


We all have doors to relationships. Some open , some stiff and some shut. Have you ever tried to ease the hinges with oil …. THE OIL OF LOVE….. 


Yes love is the oil that eases.

Open your heart.

Let love flow freely.

Love in the form of  acceptance, understanding, forgiveness, appreciation, letting go, care, or just loving , love in any form .

Remember to be gentle, patient and very loving. Love always finds a way. 


Its ok to leave some doors if they don’t open. It may not open to where you want it to. Accept and understand that there is nothing that you are being denied to . What is meant for you will open up . That which doesn’t reveal is not meant for you. Send loving energy and just let it be . Be happy that you have done your bit.

There is so much to be excited about.
There is so much to be grateful for.


Affirm :

“I build happy, loving and lasting relationships.

I set healthy boundaries in all my relationships.

I feel comfortable in all my relationships.

I am a powerful being.”



Written By

Meenal Ranka

Meenal Ranka

"I am a pure soul" Passionate about YOGA and MEDITATION. I am a 'law of attraction' practitioner. I aspire to inspire through a conscious happy living. I am learning everyday and want to share my learnings in the simplest way! LINK -

16 Responses

  1. WOW Meenal so much in depth knowledge in doors…let’s you open your mind with love and affection. Mahendra

  2. We get so busy with our routine that we take our relations for granted,and then the stiffness arises….Affirmations are the best way to keep us positive towards our relations and helps us mend it
    Great Meenal Ranka for your “Positive Dairy” which help us Positive

  3. Very nicely explained in very simple language. Tough thing made simple using few drops of oil. Good going 👍🏼👍🏼

  4. Beautiful way to explain bonded relationship to open every door of you life to maintain relationships

  5. Beautiful way to explain bonded relationship to open every door of your life to maintain relationships

  6. Wah wah wah… love loved this!
    A seemingly difficult area of our life – Relationships explained with so much grace, simplicity and clarity.
    Thank you for channeling these words!

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