The Positive Diary

Look out, look up, look at the clouds and choose one!


My love and obsession with clouds is very old, as old as me perhaps. As a child I loved looking up and making out shapes and finding a sheep, a dog, a dragon or an angel in them. I could and still can look at clouds for hours on end. 


Over the years, I have often thought about them as being thought bubbles of people. Just like as depicted in cartoons. Thought or speech bubbles as they are referred to. 


I have also wondered if their colour depicts the emotions of the people they hover over? For example, if there has been a major incident in a town or city, would the colour of the clouds hovering over the town be grey or black? Similarly, would the clouds be bright and white when there is a celebration? 


Can our thoughts attract the clouds that depict our thoughts? Say I am sad, and am walking around in a broody mood or sitting around feeling rather low; would I gather up a storm over my head full of grey, black and menacing looking clouds? 

Likewise, when I am happy and cheerful, will I muster up the company of fluffy, creamy, white and silvery clouds?


Have you noticed how clouds seem to arise from the mountains? The slim sliver of fog or mist travels up from amongst the trees and forms a cloud. Or does it merge into an existing cloud that is floating above? Have you heard about the story where an old lady spins her loom and weaves clouds…or something to that effect. I am eager to revisit that story right now!


If each one of us had the capability of designing our own cloud company, what kind of clouds would you choose?

White with silver lining, white and fluffy, white but thin and waffery or grey and huge or grey and fluffy, grey and thin….a mix of white and grey or…clouds with thunder inside them!

The possibilities are endless when we want to design something for ourselves.

But, what clouds would you choose for your loved one? White and fluffy and soft..with a silver lining…right?

Why not choose that for yourself every day? You deserve the best just like all your loved ones. Love yourself and choose that cotton-candy, fluffed up, white and silvery cloud for yourself. Go for it…it’s yours! 


Written By



A seeker, optimist & a loyal friend.

11 Responses

  1. Wow….the imagination of a cloud would get amazing and colorful with our thoughts specially if we think positive and happy thoughts filled with the rainbow 🌈colours 😊.
    I choose fluffy clouds ⛅ bringing peace and vibrancy to me and my fellow mates all over the world 🌎. MAY WE RIDE ON THIS RAINBOW CLOUD AND FILL EACH OTHER WITH JOY, LOVE AND MORE LOVE.

    1. That’s so beautiful Jasmine!
      I actually imagined you on a huge fluffy cloud filled with rainbow colours! Spreading joy, love and care is what I have seen you do since the day I met you. Happy to have crossed paths with you!
      Lots of love.

  2. I love the way you make connection with natural elements. You have a very unique way of thinking!
    I am left wondering – what’s next in your wonderful imagination!

    1. Thank you Amit. I must say this attention to the world around me has come to me since my introduction to Mindfulness. So, the credit goes to my coach and to the Master who came up with the practice called Unified Mindfulness.
      Next in line….hmmm…haven’t thought about it yet, but should be something fun!

  3. Article is very good.

    I will choose a cloud company, where the clouds are soft, cosy, and colourful. All colors in the cloud are unique and each color brings out a happy emotion.
    For my loved ones, bright fluffy clouds to give them cheerfulness and protect them from darkness.

    1. Awwww… Aai.. That is so beautiful!
      I wish you always have your choice of clouds around you!

  4. Awesome one !!
    During my meteorological studies I found cloud as cumulus,citrus, stratus and nimbus. But your classification of clouds is way better than what I studied

    You surely can bring even clouds to life..loved it

    1. Thank you Akshay!
      A different perception often opens up beautiful, amazing and magical possibilities all around us.
      Am glad you enjoyed this.

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