The Positive Diary

3 Principles to Live life Happily...

Guest Author:Tushar


My Three Principle to Live life Happily –


  1. Nobody is “Perfect” but Everyone is “Unique”

Yes , did you ever think why all fingers of one hand are NOT the same? , then how could we expect a person to become perfect in his life. “No – Never”

We all are part of this universe , & Divine has made each one of us different & Unique.. But did we ever realize this ?

Just try to see positive side of others & try to accommodate it in your own – you will make huge difference

& don’t  forget to find “Uniqueness” within YOU


  1. Happiness in Sharing

When we share we create an opportunity for others to grow as well as for self

It’s a universal LAW – What you give it return back to us

Just think twice , before you act / react / behave with others because somehow , someday it return back to you for sure

Once you share you create a new space in your aura, for the universe to fill it up with some new & better things … Try it .. You will surely benefit it

So when you have enough , please share with others because it’s a blessing that the divine has chosen you to be a helping hand for others..


  1. Miracles Do Happen –

There is small difference between “Faith” & “Trust”

Trust  always comes with doubts & fear But …

Faith always be doubtless & fearless

Just have Faith & Do your best ;  Miracles will happen in your life to achieve all your dreams & desires.

Try it.. You will experience it


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One Response

  1. So refreshing to see three seemingly simple principles to lead a happy life.
    Very nicely put.
    Thank you for writing this, Tushar!

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